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  • When did you start writing?
    Check out my ABOUT ME page for those fun details. :)
  • When will your book be released?
    Can't say for sure, but you can check out any and all updates in my newsletter or on my book's webpage here.
  • Are you looking for beta readers or critique partners?
    I'm always looking for beta readers! I'll share details on how I want people to reach out to me in the coming months. As for critique partners, I'm good on that front!
  • Where can I find you on social media?
    I'm on HIVE and Instagram at the moment. I'll be adding a Facebook page soon. Here is my handle for both: @katedrexel
  • Are you available to read and/or review my book?
    Alas, I wish I could but I'm swamped with my day job, writing my book, and reviewing my CPs' works. Thank you for thinking of me!
  • Who designed your website?
    The fabulous Danika Corrall! I can't recommend her enough! Danika really is...
  • Who are your biggest influences as a writer?
    Off the top of my head, here is a list of authors who influenced me in no particular order: 1. Courtney Summers 2. Leigh Bardugo 3. Gillian Flynn 4. Ashley Winstead 5. Erika T. Wurth 6. Stephen King 7. Darcy Coates 8. Carmen Maria Machado 9. Diana Urban 10. Meredith Tate
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