First off, hi, it’s been a minute since I wrote a blog post. Since I’m taking the teeniest, tiniest break from writing right now, I thought I’d share an update on… well, my writing and incoming changes to the website.
DARK EXPOSURE is almost at the 50,000-word mark. I’ve found that if I set that as my initial word count goal, it helps me get over that hurtle, then from there, I can determine what else I need to add for the remainder of the story.
This book has been very demanding of my mentality and my emotional health, so I’ve been taking my time with it, massaging it, seeing exactly what it needs—how I can nurture it to be the book it’s meant to be. Then once it becomes an actual book, I’ll send it to my three critique partners by this fall. Then it’s off to the beta readers towards the end of the year.
Again, I’m taking my sweet, sweet time with it.
One of my agented friends read through my synopsis and confirmed what I really needed to know: DARK EXPOSURE’s plot makes sense and it’s gripping and intriguing. Hearing this has been extra motivating and I can’t wait for agents to see this book… then hopefully in the next couple of years, publishers.
Now, moving onto website changes.
Incoming Site Changes
While I’ve been doing what I can to maintain this website, I haven’t done a great job with the upkeep of the Members’ Page. So that will be going away in the next few months, and I will replace it with a “For Writers” page.
Here, I will include links to blog posts on how to write a query letter and synopsis, writing morally gray villains, knowing when you’ve found your genre, how to not be discouraged when you get nothing but rejections, etc. I will add more eventually such as a how I got my agent post (I will probably be a mess when that day comes lol).
I will also be changing up the DARK EXPOSURE icon and might have some new ones drawn up for future projects (one is currently in the works…).
Any other changes not mentioned here will probably be a bit of a surprise lol.
And that's about it! Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe!